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Azsacra Zarathustra: Symbol ...

Author: Santosh Kumar
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 978-8182532014
Pub. Date: 2011
Price: $19

Azsacra Zarathustra: Symbol of Nothing to Power



Neal Brown very rightly says: "German painter Bauer’s modernism seems to be that of an esoteric ‘spiritual world’ — with the optimism of a cheerfully happy Paul Klee which is then ruined by a drunk Francis Bacon or nightmarish Max Ernst. In this way, Bauer piles meanings onto meanings, in an epic battle between aesthetic order and nihilism." No doubt, Azsacra too in his frank, no-non-sense presentation of ‘esoteric spiritual world’ unravels the deeper mysteries of life.



No critical book like this about Azsacra could be written without their cooperation. I have tried to reveal that Azsacra’s poetry is like Zen meditation. It is a pure quest amidst an impressive landscape of "sheer empty wildness". It is the quest for the magical world of void, nothingness and positive nihilism. I trust that this comprehensive critical book about Azsacra will be extremely useful for the scholars and poets across the globe.

The truth is that all great poetry acts in a divine and mysterious manner. The greatest Romantic poet Shelley aptly remarks:

"A poet is a nightingale, who sits in darkness and sings to cheer its own solitude with sweet sounds; his auditors are as men entranced by the melody of an unseen musician, who feel that they are moved and softened, yet know not whence or why. The poems of Homer and his contemporaries were the delight of infant Greece; they were the elements of that social system which is the column upon which all succeeding civilization has reposed".

The above remarks by Shelley are of great help to understand the depth of Azsacra’s poetry. Azsacra always writes ‘to cheer his own solitude’.

This is my 4th book of literary criticism about a full-scale study of authors. The earlier three critical studies The Poetic Achievement of Ban’ya Natsuishi, The Haiku of Sayumi Kamakura: A Critical Study and Adam Donaldson Powell: the Making of a Poet became quite popular, and are indispensable to understand these renowned authors. I hope this book also about Azsacra’s work will be greatly useful to researchers and poets across the globe.

  -Dr. Santosh Kumar



Author BIO

Azsacra Zarathustra is a well known Indo-Aryan philosopher and poet-mystic. He is Editorial Advisor for the international journal of poetry and art "Harvests of New Millennium" (India). He is published in India, Tibet, Japan, Germany, Norway, England, USA.

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